Our principal is a full-time IT professional with 30 years experience designing, procuring, implementing, and maintaining solutions for corporate clients across all sectors. His experience includes Network Engineering, Product Development, Marketing, Training, Sales and Business Development – truly the consummate IT all-rounder.
He is considered by his peers as one of Australia's Strongest IT Communicators. His roles have included 3 years as a LAN Administrator, 3 years as a Senior Network Engineer, 4 years as an ISP Technical Manager and Business Developer, and 20 years as an Independent IT Consultant.
His qualifications include the two most respected certifications in the industry: Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) and Novell Certified Engineer (CNE).
Our principal combines:
- the technical skills required to accomplish the task
- the communications skills required to break down the barriers between IT experts and business owners
- the industry knowledge to understand the broader implications of IT on specific business needs.
3 reasons you should choose an Independent IT Consultant:
1. Financial Independence: our advice is based on a genuine review of your technology needs, aspirations, and budget. We do not receive commissions or any type of financial inducement from hardware vendors, software vendors, and Internet providers. Our advice is therefore free from influence from vendor sales commissions, sales targets, and stock levels.
2. Strategic Independence: we are your advocate and motivated by your best outcome, not the best outcome of any third party solution provider. Our only product is our time and advice. All we are "selling" is your own network's uptime, business continuity, and business productivity.
3. Technology Independence: we are your partner in navigating the complex territory of IT solutions, and are not tied to any particular platform, vendor, or technology. We can help you decode complex IT challenges and explore all valid solutions, not the limited range offered by a single vendor. We can help you cut through the "spin" of often deliberately obtuse IT marketing, and we can hold the vendors who provide the elements of your infrastructure to account without fear nor favour.